Humanização do parto nos contextos público e privado no Distrito Federal




This dissertation aims to understand the humanized childbirth insertion in public and private contexts of obstetrical assistance by researching in Distrito Federal - DF, between 2006 and 2007, having as empirical locus two institutions: a private hospital and Casa de Parto de Sebastião (a birth house). In order to accomplish the comparative analysis, it was used a set of data obtained from observing the courses and lectures for pregnant women, offered by these institutions and interviews with 15 women before and after childbirth and 14 childbirth professionals, totalizing 42 interviews. Deep differences were pointed out by analyzing the content of the expectations and the attendance told by the women according to the context of the assistance, resulting in several difficulties to the accomplishment of the humanized childbirth proposal. Private context women had planned their childbirth, but the majority did not reach this planning, because they had cesarean sections. Public context women narratives had been marked by the absence (based in the negation or doubt) and the difficulty on elaborating critically about the way they are assisted. Among the professionals, several differences were observed on the analyzed contexts, as the main ones were related to the character in which the proposal is perceived (individual in the private context, and institutional in the public context) and the antagonistic points of reference.


obstetrical assistance public and private health systems humanização do parto humanized childbirth público e privado na saúde pregnant women assistência obstétrica sociologia gestantes

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