Humanismo: uma releitura existencial de Albert Camus e Jean Paul Sartre




Humanism, an existential rereading of Albert Camus and Jean-.Paul Sartre, is the subject of this presentation, which consist of a philosophical pratice of creating a possible world in this life. Believing in the humanism, is what is missing for us. We have los completely, meaning that, valuing, respecting and giving the necessary conditions for the human being became inhumane. Beliving in humanity means maily rousing humanism. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to redefine our own concept of humanism which compels us to a humanising compromise.The basic propositions of the philosophers, Camus and Sartre, as it is impossible for us to save everything, unless each individual body can be saved. That the man is a victim or cruel and not neglectin before the humanity itself. Both require a world in which crimes against humanity and at least evil, terrorism, violence, social exclusion, and prejudices will be outlawed.Sartre introduces to us freedom and an absolute value. The existentialism puts the humanity before one alternative: assume the freedom and accomplish it, in the anguish of its condition and bein responsible for denyng the freedom and looking for a shelter for his bad faith. For camus, despite humanity bein omnipresent, wherever humanity exists there are shouts, threats and hope. Manhind is responsible for becoming aware of this situation and to immediately fight against the evil, the absurd and the nothing. Both philosofers give emphasis to self awareness and responsibility towards the world. Investing trust and credibility into the human and his potential of accomplishments and transformations. We need to intensify our skills to deal with the reality. Looking into reality in a wider and more critical way. Looking, not only inside ourselves, but interacting permanently with society. The ethos which has love give living a new meaning. Loving each other as a human being or a menber of different societies is giving a reason to exist. This love respects freedom of choice and seeks solidarity for all. Searching for social inclusion, this being our tasks to be accomplished tirelessly everyday.If there somenthing to be annihilated, it is barbarism and we should overcome all forms of violence in this human and anti-human world. We demand a new comprehension of hope, not as resignation and apathy but, as possibility of future


ética responsabilidade solidariedade existencialismo solidarity ethic freedom liberdade responsibility existentialism humanismo humanism epistemologia

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