Human aging in the media: analysis of 41 years of publication of the magazine Veja / Envelhecimento humano na mídia: análise de 41 anos de publicação da revista Veja (19682009)




The interest regarding the aging theme has been increasing in the world scenery and in Brazil along half second the century XX. In the Analysis of the Behavior, Skinner (1983) suggested that aging should be studied as any other behavior through the paradigm of the selection by consequences. Moreover, the understanding that the human aging could be analyzed as social phenomenon and how it has been socially constructed by the press, under Guerin s perspective, was the goal of this present research. To verify how that has been occurring, the digital file of the magazine Veja was chosen for analyzing a way of great circulation communication. Digitalized issues between 1968 and 2009 were analyzed, selected from the key words related to aging theme. Besides that, such issues were analyzed regarding their formal aspects and of content, and the last were highlighted starting from themes referred to the present aging in Skinner s book (1983) on the old age. The main results show that the biggest number of issues was the Reports, however, they introduced a little expressive number along 41 years of publication. Most issues were written by professionals or people of the area of the health or of the aging, and the information was directly geared to the senior people in majority. It could be verified that great part of the information supplied by the media on the aging had, as antecedent, other verbal reports revealing a possible linkage, being intra verbal behaviors which are the base for the socially constructed knowledge according to Guerin. The distribution of the issues along the time belonged to an irregular way, highlighting years of 1983 and after 1999, what suggests a relation with important events: the Senior National Year and the Senior International Year, respectively. This fact is important, because it suggests that the media answers to the opportunities that the market offers, aiming to please consumers and to increase profits, carrying to the matter if it really promotes a social construction of the aging. Regarding the most discussed subjects, these were found: Cares with the Health, Emotional Alterations in the Aging, Physiologic Process of the Aging and Retirement X Work. With this result, it is possible to infer how much Skinner s book is current and useful to people who are aging and the ones who are already senior. In front of the results, the author does not consider probable that has occurred a social construction about the human aging theme has occurred, since the number of issues is very low, in addition to that, it is not possible to know, in fact, who the readers of these issues are. All this shows the urgency with that analysts of the behavior ought to promote more researches in the area of human aging, expanding their performances


velhice analysis of the behavior análise do comportamento social construction of the aging old age psicologia experimental construção social do envelhecimento

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