Acropole magazine publishes modern homes: analysis of Acropole magazine and the publication of modern single homes between the years of 1952 and 1971 / Revista Acrópole publica residências modernas: análise da revista Acrópole e a sua publicação de residências unifamiliares modernas entre os anos de 1952 a 1971




It examines and interprets the development of spatial and plastic typologies in the production of architectural modern single homes. Their environments and relationship solutions related with the city in the context of their historical, social, economic, technological and cultural features as part of a brazilian architecture. Questioning and verifying the existence of a particular typology in the brazilians modernism movement supporting the formulation of a distinguished feature, which has its own particularities inside the more expressive brazilians modernism vein. According to the Acrópole magazine, a brazilian periodical specialized in architecture with the longest period of publications in Brazil (May 1938 to December 1971). This magazine based in the city of Sao Paulo focused on publishing single homes works, mainly in that city. This work uses as its reference temporal scale the magazines editorial change, since September 1952 (until December 1971). This period is considered the mainly search of resource in this essay when the brazilian modern architecture intensifies its theoretical and practical production debate. When the citys population was growing and the industrial sector was developing. The intensification of its cultural activities and modernization discussions was incorporated in a different scale of the modernity idea. At the same time the brazilian architecture develops itself working its own dimensions and acquiring modern particular features such as a national identity former. All in all, this essay demands to expose the architectural diversity in the modern architecture in Sao Paulo, verifying distinctions in its mainly slope from the moment it acquires its single and particular features distinguishing itself from the Rio de Janeiros school. Finally, this architectural plurality which this essay verifies explores new theories, guaranteed by new materials features and possibilities brought by the new technology offered in the building system. These issues have been incorporated with more plurality in the Brazilian architecture than a new theorys simple application might suggest, mainly in the previous period of its model recognized as hegemonic in the modern architecture.


modernismo brasileiro movimento moderno brasileiro revista acrópole acropole magazine brazilian architecture modern single homes brazilian s modernism residências modernas unifamiliares brazilian s modernism movement arquitetura brasileira

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