History s methafors : a reading of the Helder Macedo s novels / Metaforas da historia : uma leitura dos romances de Helder Macedo




The present thesis intends to undertake a reading of the novels by the Portuguese author Helder Macedo -- Partes de África, Pedro e Paula, Vícios e virtudes and Sem nome -taking into account three major points of analysis: the elaboration of a capricious narrator who affiliates himself to a certain literary tradition; the appropriation of intertextual references and the metafictional discourse; the narrative structure built up from oppositions or antinomies, present in all levels of his novels. In order to do so, we ll make use a corpus of essays by Helder Macedo concerning the literary tradition evoked in his novels. Thus, we intend to interpret his books from the criteria adopted by the very author to interpret the fictional works of his election


portuguese fiction helder macedo ficção portuguesa - história e crítica ficção portuguesa - história e crítica

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