High carbohydrate or high fat meals decrease insulin sensitivity two hours after ingestion. / Refeições ricas em carboidratos ou lipídeos diminuem a sensibilidade à insulina duas horas após o início da ingestão.




The effect of high carbohydrate and fat meals on the insulin sensitivity was evaluated. Furthermore, it was investigated the content of GLUT4 protein on the skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue. Rats were refed for 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours with: balanced meal (B); high carbohydrate meal (C) and high fat meal (L). The glucose/insulin index shows that C and L meals exhibited insulin resistance after 2 hours of ingestion. In the insulin tolerance test, a reduction (~47%) in the insulin sensitivity was observed in C group after 2 and 4 hours of refeeding. The glucose tolerance test confirmed the insulin resistance in C and L-groups after 2 hours of ingestion and such phenomena did not involve alterations in the GLUT4 content on both skeletal muscle or white adipose tissue.


endocrinology glut4 insulina glut4 insulin endocrinologia

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