Helio Delmiro s stylistic concepts applied to the guitar as played in the context of brazilian contemporany instrumental music / Concepções estilisticas de Helio Delmiro : violão e guitarra na musica instrumental brasileira




During the period of time between the late sixties and the first years of the 21st century, the Brazilian phonographic production witnessed the configuration of a genre of instrumental music that proved to have its own characteristics; while containing the Brazilian culture, it is nevertheless permeated by the aesthetics of American Jazz, creating an expectation towards the performing artists of an elevated level of proficiency and the mastering of Jazz improvisational techniques. The genre is called here the “Brazilian Contemporary Instrumental Music”. This paper concentrates on the work of one of the most important protagonists of this genre, the guitarist Hélio Delmiro. We seek to examine some of the elements of Delmiro’s musical creativity and style, hoping this work will contribute to create a systematization and develop means to its applicability, with an emphasis on Delmiro’s specialty. In order to realize this research, we departed from the findings of a previous one, developed during our undergraduate years, called “Hélio Delmiro’s Improvisational Style”. This paper presents a contextualized comparison of structural and formal aspects of Delmiro’s recorded work, which includes compositions, improvisations, and reharmonizations. Those aspects have been previously systematized by scholars interested in “popular music”, we applied some of those to the study of Delmiro’s music. The realization that Delmiro makes use of different sources of material to develop his music demonstrated that he synthesizes his stylistic influences in a personal and consistent way, thereby becoming a very important protagonist regarding the process of consolidation of the “language” of the Brazilian Contemporary Instrumental Music, taking a very important position as a reference on the role and importance of the guitar in that context.


musica para guitarra (jazz) musica instrumental instrumental music improvisação (musica) guitar music (jazz) violão guitar improvisation (music)

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