Habits of leisure, level of physical activity and characteristic somatomotora of adolescents / Hábitos de lazer, nível de atividade física e características somatomotoras de adolescentes




This study had as intended to identify the habits of adolescents leisure and your possible association with the level of physical activity, physical fitness and nutrition state. The population of the study understood 537 adolescents of the high school level of CEFETSC. The sample was composed by 374 adolescents (69,6%) of the population, being 221 boys and 153 girls with age between 15 and 18 years, being an average of (16.90,8) old for the feminine sex and, (17.00,8) old for the masculine sex. The identification of the leisure habits felt through a questionnaire elaborated starting from the Inventory of Habits of Leisure (CLOES et. al., 1997) and of the Scale of Habits of Leisure (FORMIGA, AYROZA and DIAS, 2005). To verify the level of physical activity (LPA) the International Questionnaire of Activity Physical IPAQ short version was used (MATSUDO et. al. 2001). The physical fitness related to the health (PFRH) and related to the performance (PFRP) were investigated through the protocol of PROESP (GAYA, 2005). The evaluation of the physical growth and nutrition state was accomplished according to the criteria of Waterlow (1976), through the Software PED, which consists of a System of Evaluation of the Nutrition State in Pediatrics, developed by the Center of Computer Science in Health of the Medical School From São Paulo. It was considered the adaptation of height/age and weight/height, being taken as reference, the curves of growth of National Center it goes Health and Statistics (NCHS). Starting from the questionnaire that allowed to classify the sample in two groups, G1 (apprentices of physical activity / sport in the moments of leisure) and, G2 (not apprentices of physical activity / sport in the moments of leisure), the following was observed: a) the adolescents G1 showed a larger frequency in leisure denominated sedentary such as playing it video and to navigating in the internet; b) more than 80% of the adolescents were classified as active and very active, and G1 presented better LPA; c) G1 presented a better PFRH and, LPA of G2 doesn t correspond your PFRH, having statistical significant differences among the groups; d) both groups presented PFRP below the levels recommended by protocol of PROESP, and overweight indexes and similar obesity, not having therefore significant differences among the groups for those variables. The study shows the need to be considered the influence of the contexts and of the inter-personal relationships for best to understanding of the habits of the adolescents leisure, in the intention that is avoided conclusions based on the cause / effect relationships. The work also showed there to be a need to accomplish more researches involving the effective model recommended for practice of the physical activity. However, without leaving of considering that more important than the volume and or the intensity that the physical activity is accomplished, is that this gets to satisfy in first place the needs of it belongs and the adolescent s self steam.


leisure adolescentes adolescents physical fitness estado nutricional habits of leisure nutrition state educacao fisica hábitos de lazer aptidão física lazer

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