Grupo de encontro de Mães : vivencias clinicas do seu funcionamento em um ambulatorio de saude mental infantil




This dissertation proposes a discourse about the clinical encounters and experiences of a Mothers Encounter Group of the outclinic of the Child Menta] Health Sector (Child Sector) of the University of Campinas (UNJCAMP). It considers these groups as interconnected with the assistencial context of the Child Sector and with the population attended by the Child Sector Mothers Encounter Groups originated from developments in the application in the Child Sector of the outclinic of some of the guidelines for child mental health recommended by the World Health Organization and of ideas and experiences from studies undertaken principally in Latin America.. The Encounter Groups can have as their objective not only the promotion of child mental health but also therapeutical purposes. The dissertation uses clinical material and endeavors to respect the etymological significance of the term "dissertation". It relies on a conceptual reference which seeks to considera the "variety of significations" (greek "polisemia") of humam phenomena, b. "criticability" as the principal scientific of the so called Humam Sciences. In the first chapter an exposition of the outclinic context of the Child mental Health is made, along with descriptions of the child population attended. The second chapter makes a brief characterization of the Mothers Groups of the Child Sector, discoursing about its development and interlacing some introductory and generic considerations about the function of Mothers Encounter Groups, which are a type of Mothers Group. The third chapter presents illustrations and analyses of the function of a particular Mothers Encounter Group of the Child Sector which occurred between August 23 and October 15 of ]987. The final chapter includes some reflections which point out criticism and learning refering both to the presuppositions employed and to the function of the Mothers Encounter Group studied, elaborating some hypotheses about their functional mechanisms.


ludoterapia saude mental infantil

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