Gramaticalização e relações semânticas dos itens de e des/ desde nos séculos XIV, XVI E XVII.




This work is intended to study the prepositions de and des/ desde which functioned as adverbials in texts of the 14th, 16th and 17th centuries, based on grammaticalization studies and the localist and prototypical theories. From the viewpoint of the localism, in what regards such prepositions, it is observed that the more abstract meanings derive from the less abstra ct and that spatial meanings are more basic than the temporal ones. As for the application of the theory of the prototypes, as far as the current semantics is concerned, it is seen that there is a prototypical meaning in each of the above mentioned preposi tions with similar family features which are usually kept. The semantic fields in which these prepositions appeared were also studied by means of a comparative analysis between the Latin of the 6 th century and the Portuguese of the 14 th, 16th and 17th centuries. Based on the selected corpora, it was verified that the preposition de encompassed the meanings of other prepositions, thus considerably enlarging its significance.


prepositions campos semânticos semantic fields linguistica historica preposições teoria dos protótipos localist theory teoria localista grammaticalization theory of the prototypes gramaticalização

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