Governança institucional: um estudo do papel e da operação dos conselhos das organizações da sociedade civil no contexto brasileiro. / Nonprofit Governance: a study of the role and operation of boards in the brazilian context.




The present research work is motivated by the following question: “In the Brazilian context, how should the civil society organizations’ boards work?”. The general purpose is to increase the knowledge about the work of the boards in nonprofit organizations in São Paulo. To achieve this: (a) an examination of the most recommended practices from the literature is made; (b) it is described the operation mode of boards from nonprofit organizations that benefit children and youth; (c) a series of principles to orient the behavior of effective boards in the Brazilian context is proposed. The study considered the narrative of 21 people, among board members and executive officers, representing 10 civil society organizations that are working with children and youth in Great São Paulo area. It was possible to build over 46 critical incidents. It used the Critical Incident Technique (FLANAGAN, 1954) and a competency oriented questionnaire developed by CHAIT et allii (1991) for the gathering of data.


nonprofit organizations administração boards management governance empresas não lucrativas governança conselhos de administração

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