Goodbye teachers... the course of teaching is over / Adeus professores... o curso de magisterio acabou




: Este trabalho discorre sobre o fim do Curso de Magistério em Mococa (SP). Ele se propõe a discutir, partindo das entrevistas com as alunas da última turma, ou seja, as que se formaram no ano de 2004, o movimento que levou ao encerramento deste curso em nível médio e a trajetória destas alunas no ensino superior. Discute, também, a falta de prestígio desses cursos, em nível médio e superior, e o lugar social da professora no Brasil, hoje. Abstract : This paper is about last year public school teacher training in Mococa, São Paulo state, Brazil. A discussion is proposed from interviews with graduating students, the one who graduated at the end of 2004. The facts that led to the ending of this course and the students further paths towards higher education. It also covers the lack of prestige of such courses at secondary and university levels and the social status of school teaching in Brazil, today.


training of teachers escola normal formação de professores pedagogy magisterio pedagogia normal school teaching

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