Glandula harderiana de ratos wistar como modelo para o estudo de efeitos fotodinamicos




The present work shows, experimentally, that the use of harderian glands of Wistar rats for the study of photodynamic applied to the diagnosis (PDD - of the English, Photo Dynamic Diagnosis) and medical treatment is possible (PDT - of the English, Photo Dynamic Therapy). In the case, the photodynamic action has as photo-sensitizer protoporphirin IX (PpIX), abundantly produced in the related gland, excusing, therefore, the stage of exogenous substance administration, as in the studies of conventional PDD and PDT. In the work it is shown that the tissue photodestruction (PDT) in the harderian gland of such rats is followed by alteration in the standard of the spectrum of fluorescence of the same one, indicating that the molecules of PpIX do not remain complete, characterizing itself, therefore, as the photodynamic process where the cells hostesses of molecules of PpIX are destroyed in result of the transformation of these in photoproducts, known as: Process Type I. Additionally we show that, such alteration in the spectrum of the original fluorescence of the PpIX is dependent on the optic energy (fluency) used, characterizing itself for the appearance of a new spectral band and for the reduction of intensity of the initial fluorescent standard. In result of this comment we consider the accompaniment of measures of fluorescence in real time for the monitoring of the therapy properly said, when the process will be of Type I. The work, therefore, considers a model for photodynamics studies that is simple and of easy access to the majority of the laboratories of same types. A laser of HeNe, as well as a source of light of relatively simple construction was used for the PDT, and for the PDD a commercial light bulb of ultraviolet. The used spectrometer, despite of imported is also of relatively low cost was used


fitoterapia agentes fotossensibilizantes glandula de harder lasers

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