Gibi, o aparelho ideológico quadrinizado: considerações sobre a diversidade discursiva e o caráter instrutivo- educativo nas histórias da Turma da Mônica.




The present work aims to do an analysis of the established relation between, speech, subject and enunciation, marked elements by the ideologys influence. By its turn, it was done from a historical-discursive perspective, taking for grant the language in social contexts ficcionally reproduced by Turma da Mônicas cartoons stories, created by Maurício de Sousa. To make this study real, were used the theoretical referencials from the Discourse Analysis, mainly the French branch, the Theory of the Enunciation and some assumptions about the concepts on ideology, and a panoramical sketch of the historical path of the ninth art here in the country, which intended to show the the importance and influence of this cultural product in the Brasilian society along the last decades. In this way, it was supposed to enlighten that the cartoons stories is an ideological device able to disseminate ideas, behaviors and point of views stressed by so many idelologies. Besides, the reserarch intended to show the presence of the instructive and educative purpose of the Turma da Mônicas adventures, aspects which pursue all Maurício de Souzas cartoons production. The studies herein shown reveal that the ideological contents noticed in these stories rise from the colective discursive memory, and the social practices developed by the subjects in the social interective process, factors that help to enlighten the influence done by ideology while a social phenomenum, present and active in the very social cultural contexts in which language is inserted.


história em quadrinhos ideological devices turma da mônica aparelhos ideológicos turma da mônica instructiveeducative discourse discurso instrutivo- educativo discourse analysis cartoons stories teoria e analise linguistica análise do discurso

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