Gestão Sócioambiental: um estudo de caso sobre a adoção de políticas públicas no aproveitamento dos resíduos cervejeiros na pecuária fluminense. / Social-ambient management: a case study about the adoption of public policies in the exploration of the beer residues in the cattle of the state of Rio de Janeiro




The general objective of this work was to evaluate practice of social and ambient responsibility of a plant of beers in the city of Rio De Janeiro, as well as, public policies of the Rio de Janeiro, that favor the use of the rind of malt in the cattle state milkmaid. Some detached specific objectives had been: to define the concepts and the referring legislation to the Social Responsibility, Environment, Ambient Certification, Public Policies and the use of Beer Residues in the animal feeding; to effect an analysis of what it exists in the practical industrial of ambient management in the studied company; to identify the existence of state public politics directed to the of the state of Rio de Janeiro milk producers and to show the protein benefits gotten by the use of the rind of malt in the alimentary base of the milk bovine cattle. In analyzed the AmBev unit tons of beer residues are accumulated daily, with prominence for the rind of malt, with protein indices favorable to the improvement of composed material for animal ration. Beyond supplying the demand of the product for the proprietors of the state of Rio de Janeiro bovine flock, to stimulate the improvement of this item it would favor the elimination of the ambient risk that the residues could cause to the way, and at the same time to generate wealth, job and local development. For such, a sample of research was determined where Inductive method of inquiry was used, Not-standardized Techniques of Intensive Direct Comment, Interviews and Questionnaires. One concludes that, the searched company can responsible ambient performance socially. But, these programs are elaborated in reason of economic and legal aspects, as the fulfillment of the current law and the reduction of costs and/or prescription generation. One evidenced that absence of directed state public politics to the milkmaid sector is well-known. Finally, the milk producers from The South the state of Rio de Janeiro live to each year with a great quandary, how to supply to its flock an adequate feeding.


políticas públicas public policies ambev administracao social and environmental responsibility responsabilidade sócio-ambiental

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