Gestão integrada de áreas protegidas e estratégias de desenvolvimento territorial com base na conservação : da proposta do mosaico grande sertão veredas - Peruaçu




The aim of this dissertation lies on the analysis of one of the instruments used by the Ministry of Environment to stimulate integrated management, utilizing an instrument foreseen in SNUC, embodied in the conservation unit mosaics. To do so, firstly legal aspects were analyzed, together with concepts of conservation biology, Integrated management and sustainable development, and bioregionalism, with view to establishing an integration of the local communities in the implantation and administration of the protected areas. Secondly, the elaboration of the National System of Conservation Units Law and the inclusion of the mosaic establishment were appraised, with the intention of demonstrating the advantages of its implementation. Then, analysis of Edict # 01/2005, published in January 2005 by The National Environmental Fund, was carried out, for the formation of conservation units mosaics and other legally protected areas, as well as for the elaboration and implementation of Conservationist-Oriented Territorial Development Plans (DTBC). Analysis was then carried out, among other aspects, on the legality of one of the approved projects, namely the Sertão Veredas-Peruaçu Mosaic, proposed by the Pró-Natureza Foundation. The conclusion was that the mosaic establishment tends to reach the ecosystems connectivity and it is an important instrument for the preservation of nature, since an integrated and participative administration, with conservationist goals and measures, in the form proposed in the Conservationist-Oriented Territorial Development Plan, seeks the balance between socioeconomic and ecological objectives in a regional context. The institute of the mosaic and the DTBC plan can vivify the local economy and they can establish public policies of integrated administration in a participative way.


mosaicos integrated administration territorial development with conservationist base biorregionalismo desenvolvimento territorial com base conservacionista mosaics bioregionalism outros gestão integrada

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