O resto do sertão : faces da modernidade em Grande Sertão : veredas / Remnant of the sertão : faces of modernity in Grande Sertão : veredas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis deals with the nexus between literary form and politics in the novel Grande sertão: veredas, by Guimarães Rosa. We take as a fundamental premise the idea that Guimarães Rosa s text operates the apprehension of a specific political modus operandi: namely, the modernization process. This can be understood under two perspectives: a horizontal one, that deals with the strain and stiffening of patriarchal relations of power; and a vertical one, that refers to the strength that penetrates into the cracks opened in those relations; a strenght that concerns the intimate operation of modern sovereignty, marked by the enforcement of law through the confusion of ethical frontiers. This double remission marking the concept of modernization has obliged a transversal methodological approach to the novel s deep structures. We tried to work on the themes that, however differentiating themselves according to the layer of the novel in which they stood, never stopped pointing to the same body of problems. Having that in mind, we divided this work into three main sections: 1) the power, in which we sought to throw some light over the basic historical elements that served as the raw material to Rosa s literary work; 2) the law, in which we tried to have a glimpse at the meanings of the wars fought in the novel, as well as at the violence that they manipulate, having as background the decay of patriarchal power and the rise of a new sovereign arrangement; 3) the love, that aimed to reveal the operation by which difference was created and organized in the novel, a mechanism utterly connected to the way Grande sertão: veredas reacts to the ethical state of modernity. It is possible to narrow all these questions down to only one: why does such strong ethical responsibility fall over Guimarães Rosa s concern about the word? This work intends to point out the vanishing points of this question, hence showing the political horizons that the work of Guimarães Rosa offers.


violência modernidade literatura brasileira guimarães rosa modernity brazilian literature violence

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