Gestão do valor nas empresas num contexto de risco: estudo de caso de uma empresa do setor não cíclico de alimentos da BOVESPA / Value managment of companies in a risk view: a case study of Bovespa`s aciclic food company




Since the 90th decade, the brazilian economy has passed through many industry privatization. This process has changed in different ways the trends of brazilian economy view, bringing the attention of many investors that dealt a lot with the fusion and acquisition market. In this view the acyclic stock exchange of São Paulo(BOVESPA) is presenting in the last few years such a dynamism in the developing of the country economy; this fact has intensified the activities and analysis of many industries belonging to this sector. The main objective of all industries is create value for the shareholders, and this implies in an efficient management of the recourses and risks involved. The manangers must focus their investments that can generate in short and long periods variable values to the shareholders. The management value of an enterprise is based in the determination of variables that can changes the present value of an enterprise. The objective of this dissertation is to realize a case study of an enterprise of the acyclic food sector of BOVESPA, identifying the risky factors that have influence in the flow future box in order to evaluate the enterprises dealing with this specific sector. In this study was used Monte Carlo simulations as a measure technique to measure the value of an enterprise in a probabilistic way, considering the box flow free to the enterprise and EVA® the objective variables respectively; and the cost of the capital, the growing tax and future prescriptions of the enterprise, the random variables. This study has as a projection base the data of period from January 2002 as far as December 2007, making the future simulations and projections of the year 2008 as far as 2017. The results of this study reveal that depending of the methodology to be used in the measure of the enterprise value, each random variable has a determined weight that contributes in the variance of the expected enterprise value.


empresas - avaliação valuation risk management administração de risco valor (administração) value

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