Interactions between capital structure, company value and assets value. / Interações entre estrutura de capital, valor da empresa e valor dos ativos




The seminal proposals by Modigliani and Miller constituted the start of a new study area in modern finance theory. Over time, their basic premises were slackened to the extent that, nowadays, there are few situations in which they can fully be applied and obtain satisfactory and consistent results. On the other hand, due to the fact that this simple set of proposals became known around the world and is easy to apply, it ended up being adopted as a general recipe for company valuation. We present a critical review of Modigliani and Miller’s ideas, verifying that the simple and immediate application of these proposals can bias firm and equity values. In situations where no methodological bias is present, the resulting values are hermetic and do not permit the analysis and management of the individual components of firm and equity values. This study suggests an alternative methodology for firm and own capital valuation which does not depend on the validity of Modigliani and Miller’s premises, allowing for the analytical identification of firm and equity value components. The proposed valuation methodology considers that asset value does no depend on capital structure, but that there exists a certain component of firm value (different from asset value) which depends on the interaction between debt and equity financing and operational investments, and that this value can be identified and accounted for in itself. The valuation methodology proposed here also considers the gain on debt as a component of firm and equity value, due to the fact that, from the stockholder’s perspective, it represents the amount of value debt adds to the firm and to the own capital. The theoretical framework of the methodology presented here resides in the development of Adjusted Present Value, as it conceptually covers all ´collateral effects´ that may stem from the interaction between capital structure and investments.


valor de ativo anatomia de valor capital structure valor do capital próprio cost of capital gain on debt ganho da dívida value anatomy estrutura de capital valor da dívida custo de capital asset value company valuation debt value equity value avaliação de empresas

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