George Herbert Mead: Contributions for the Social Psychology / Georg Herbert Mead: Contribuições para a Psicologia Social




The developed work intends to contribute for the understanding of an author/character of the social psychology. We analyzed and we added knowledge about George Herbert Mead and the unfoldings of his psychosocial theory. For this purpose we worked in two basic pathways: first, through the social approach of the psychologys history, we confronted Meads life with moments of constitution of the psychology at his time, placing in projection central aspects of his dialogue not always identified. We correlated the history of Mead with social subjects, politics, economical and scientific of his time; information on what happened in the plan of the interpersonals relationships at the time he was elaborating his theory, as well as his connections with practices and specific cultural values were mediated. The second path elapses from an incursion that goes through a thematic concerning to the Meadelians studies, for what we prioritized the sociologists Peter Bergers and Thomas Luckmanns works and of the philosopher Jürgen Habermas. It is then intended to contribute to the history of the social psychology and to diffuse the Meadelians scientific concepts, turning them more accessible to the specialists of the social psychology


psychologys history identidade berger e luckmann habermas socialização individuação social theory história da psicologia teoria social psicologia -- historia habermas mead, george herbert -- 1864-1931 -- critica e interpretacao história da psicologia social socialization psicologia social social psychologys history psicologia social -- historia identity individualization berger and luckmann

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