FUZZY EVALUATION OF SOCIAL EXCHANGES BETWEEN PERSONALITY-BASED AGENTS / Avaliação Fuzzy de Trocas Sociais entre Agentes com Personalidades




Piagets Theory of Social Exchanges has been used as the basis for interaction analysis in Multiagent Systems. These interactions are understood as processes of service exchanges between pairs of agents followed by the the evaluation of those services by the agents involved in the processes, producing values of social exchanges. The values emerged form those evaluations are of qualitative nature, that is, subjective values influenced by different aspects related to the internal nature of the agents or effects of the external environment. One of these aspects is the behavioral analysis of the agents in the evaluation process according to their personality traits. In a social exchange process, an agent assigns a value to its investment for performing a service to another agent, and the latter gives a value for its satisfaction in having received such a service. Subsequently, values of debits and credits are also generated, allowing for future exchanges. In this context, this work considers that the agents may assume different personality traits, which lead them to different attitudes concerning the exchanges they choose to perform, the way they evaluate the exchanges or the ways they manage their debits and credits. In the literature, there are some studies on the evaluation of social exchange values, either representing exchange values as numerical intervals (range of values) to simulate their qualitative nature, or obtaining those values using functions over parameters of objective or subjective nature, used for evaluation of exchanged services. In this work, we consider a qualitative method for evaluating social exchanges, considering only the material values of investment and satisfaction, based on Fuzzy Logic. The Fuzzy Logic is justified in this context, since it aims to model the human reasoning and the decision-making in a complex, subjective, incomplete environment, considering uncertainty and inaccuracy. In this dissertation, a service is defined as a set of attributes, whose evaluation based on fuzzy logic, considering different factors of personality, allows us to infer about the fuzzy values of that service, either related to the investment value (by the agent that performs the service) or to the satisfaction value (by the agent that receives the service). The fuzzy equations of material equilibrium in the two stages of social exchanges are also analyzed


personalidades em agentes social exchanges values fuzzy logic modelo de trocas sociais multiagent systems ciencia da computacao sistemas multiagentes lógica fuzzy personality-based agents

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