Functional identification and genomic structure of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis nuclear genes associated to cytochrome c oxidase activity. / Identificação funcional e estrutura genômica de genes nucleares associados à atividade da citocromo C oxidase de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.




Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the ethologic agent of the paracoccioidomycose, a systemic mycosis prevalent in Latin American. This is a thermo dimorphic fungus living in the mycelium form at room temperature (25ºC) and in the yeast form between 35 ºC e 37 ºC. In this work we identified and study fifteen (15) new P. brasiliensis genes involved in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase expression (COX). The genes PbCOX6, PbCOX17, PbCOX19 e PbOXA1 were able to functionally replace its homologues in the respective S. cerevisiae null mutant. All P. brasiliensis genes analyzed have their expression modulated during the morphologic transition from mycelium to yeast as well as from yeast to mycelium. This observation highlighted the importance of the respiration related genes in the fungus pathogenicity establishment. Genomic structure analyzes of these genes confirmed introns presence as well as evidenced the alternative splicing occurrence. It was demonstrated bioactive compounds siderofore production in P. brasiliensis been detected siderofore secretion in the solids and liquid medium.


microbiologia fungos respiração celular saccharomyces microbiology fungi paracoccidioides genética molecular paracoccidioides saccaharomyces molecular genetics cellular respiration

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