Functional capacity, health conditions, depression symptoms and well-being in elderly of Geriatric Ambulatory of CH-UNICAMP / Capacidade funcional, condições de saude, sintomas depressivos e bem-estar subjetivo dos idosos atendidos no ambulatorio de geriatria do Hospital das Clinicas do HC-UNICAMP-SP




With the progressive increase of elderly people in the Brazilian population, it?s verified the increase of comorbities associated to chronic and degenerative diseases that consequently represents a higher demand of drugs used by this population. The fact submits us to the observation of the functional capacity preservation, sometimes leading to a worse functional limitation in reason of this comorbities and well-being deficit. Is important to recognize and carefully evaluate this association in order to know the effects in the process of aging. The aim of this study is to identify and evaluate the profile of 122 elderly that were attended from August 2005 to August 2007, by a multidisciplinary support team of the Geriatric Ambulatory on the University of Campinas Clinical Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, related to the presence of depressive symptoms, number of comorbities and drugs prescriptions, in association to the locomotion and mobility, items that are essential for the preservation of the individual functional capacity. This evaluation allowed to estimate the level of interference of this variables in the life and well-being of the individuals, through a Protocol applied by a group of health professionals. Instruments were inserted to appreciate the objective and subjective aspects of physical and mental health of elderly, highlighting the use of these instruments and scale: FIM, SPPB, CES-D, Cantril, besides the number of disease and medication prescribed, according to medical register. A higher level of functional incapacity, presence of depressive symptoms, comobities and polipharmacos could be noted, mainly with more prevalence in female gender. The results obtained from the associations to the variables in this study are fundamental to manage actions related to the functional capacity, aiming to allow a better independence, autonomy and quality of life for these elderly


elderly idosos well-being bem-estar functional capacity condições de saude health conditions capacidade funcional depression symptoms depressão - sintomas

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