Funções inteiras em espaços de Banach com dual separavel


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Let E and F be complex Banach spaces, and let H (E; F) be the space of all holomorphic functions from E into F. We also denote by HW (E; F) (resp. HWU (E; F)) the subspace of all ¿ ? H (E; F) which are weakly continuous on bounded sets (resp. weakly uniformly continuous on bounded sets).In 1983 Aron, Herves and Valdivia raised the following question: Does Hw {E; F) = HWU (E; F) for arbitrary E and F? Let HWSC (E; F) be the subspace of all ¿ ? H (E; F) which map weakly convergent sequences onto norm convergent sequences. Related to the preceding problems Aron, Herves and Valdivia raised also.Does Hwsd (E;F) = HWU (E\ F) when E has separable dual and F is arbitrary Denoting by Hbk (E;F) (resp. Hb (E:F)) the subspace of all ¿ ? H (E; F) which are bounded on weakly compact sets (resp. bounded on bounded set) and modifying the techniques of Dineen [4] we show that if E has a separable dual then the relation Hbk(E:F)=Hb(E;F) is satisfied. This answers partially the first question and completely the second question


banach espaços de funções inteiras funções analiticas

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