Formação docente em artes visuais na contemporaneidade: mediação, análise crítica e processos emancipatórios




This research focuses the Visual Arts teaching from the conception of art as representation of the society and culture, which can not be understood out of its social cultural context. In this approach it is defended the idea that Visual Arts teaching has as a goal to amplify the cultural universe of students, helping them to interpret the social and cultural world where they live showing autonomy and critical conscience. In this perspective was developed an empirical study having as goal to find evidences about the quality of didactic strategies used with a group of students of Licenciatura em Artes Visuais of UDESC (future Art Visuals teachers) in the process of education to comprehension and/or critical interpretation of a contemporary work of art. In this process, was investigated the importance of the use of a mediator instrument of analysis and critical omprehension of works of art created by Franz (2003) using the work of Nelson Felix (1954) named MESA (TABLE) (1999) as a path to the study. The collect of data was done during the teaching training in the course Fundamentos da Arte na Educação (Art Education Fundaments) of the referred institution in a group of students in the third phase of Licenciatura em Artes Visuais (Visual Arts Teaching undergraduation Course). The diminishing of frontiers between popular culture, media, television, Internet and all kind of communication allowed via satellites, produce in great matter imagistic material, and make profound transformations in the subjectivities of our students. This way, it is necessary a revision of concepts and contents in the teaching of Visual Arts, for this to follow the occurred transformations. Through all these, the goal of this study, in general lines, is to investigate to know, analyze, ordain, evaluate and interpret such the students conceptions about the referred work, as the quality of the didactic strategies used in the process of studies of the cited work from theories that fundament the education to the critical comprehension of art


contemporary art artes arte contemporânea mediation instrument instrumento de mediação teachers forming formação docente

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