Formação continuada: um plano para o ensino de matemática desenvolvido com professores que atuam nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental




The objective of this research was to put into practice a project of interference through the use of a teaching plan developed with teachers from the 4th grade of Primary School (Ensino Fundamental I) in a Public School in the state of São Paulo, and its focus was on the subject of Mathematics. It also had the objective of calling attention to the school principal, considering he/she as one of the most important figures in the educational process and his/her importance as a partner in the process of the Pedagogical Project of the school. After considering the results of the Evaluation System - SARESP - (Sistema de Avaliação e Rendimento Escolar no Estado de São Paulo) in the year of 2005, the main difficulties showed by students in Mathematics were evaluated, and based on these results a plan of studying was developed. The teaching plan was used throughout a year, by the teachers of Primary School in the HTPC (Hora de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo) - Time for Pedagogical Group Work - offering conditions of development for teachers, always pointing to a better performance of students, their difficulties in learning, as well as giving them the conditions of growing up as citizens to live in society. The observation of the school reality and the reflections about it, conducted to this teaching plan. It offered to the teachers the opportunity of continuous study at school and also had the effective participation of the school principal and the school coordinator. Its implementation was a significant part of a Pedagogical Project, which focus was on better conditions of learning and a better quality of teaching. The analysis of data showed that students presented much better results if compared with the results showed before the interference. Further than that, the study also revealed that HTPC, used as a place for continuous development, contributed to the group work of teachers, exchanging experiences, updating, for personal growth and also to the encouragement of the school team


professores de matematica -- formacao profissional matemática saresp educacao continuada group work psicologia educacional mathematics trabalho coletivo continuous study matematica (ensino fundamental)

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