Formação continuada: reflexos na prática dos professores participantes do programa de formação de professores alfabetizadores - profa




The present study is associated to line of research "Practical Pedagogic and its relations with the educational formation", having like aim of inquiry the professors Program of alphabetizers- PROFA, that was implemented in the Municipal Net of education of Campo Grande - MS in partnership with SEF/MEC (Ministry of Education) in 2001. Taking like references the models of formation in force, the objective of the work was describe and analyse model of formation proposed by the program, evaluating iis reflects in the educational practices. Treats itself of a qualitative research, as delineated of case study, of the which participated two creating, fifteen professors alphabetizerss tha t were classified in group according to their performance during the path of the even: GROUP A professors with high performance - GROUP B professors with medium performance - GROUP C professors with low performance. For the collection of the data carried out itself the analysis of the records sent by SEF/MEC (Ministry of Education) and the records of the creating and professors, regarding their participation, as well like the interview is structured and observation of the practices educational. The Analys is of the records indicated that the Program with theoretical base constructively, objetifying the formation a professor reader that stimulate the reading of the students, capable of reflect and record his practical of the reading and written and the conception of the professor regarding the development of the infant in the trial of the literacy. On the other hand, to observation reveals us an exaggeration between the talk defended and to practical shown.


modelo de formação continuada model of formation continued formação de professores educacao formation of professors

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