Fogo, fenologia foliar e a fauna de lagartas em Byrsonima coccolobifolia kunth (malpighiaceae)




Despite the abundance of lepidopteran species, there are few studies focusing on lepidopteran caterpillars, such as their biology, the interactions with their host plants and the effects of fire on their community structure in Cerrado. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of fire on foliar phenology of Byrsonima coccolobifolia Kunth (Malpighiaceae) and compare the frequencies, abundances and species composition of Lepidoptera larvae present in two areas of Cerrado sensu stricto disturbed by fire (nominated QI and QII) with a third area preserved for three decades from fire (P), in the RECOR. From December 2005 until August 2006, 900 plants of B. coccolobifolia were sampled at random in each area observed and the proportion of new leaves was registered along with the number of caterpillars found. The immatures collected were reared in the Ecology Laboratory of the Universidade de Brasilia. Leaf phenology of B. coccolobifolia differed significantly among areas, due to the larger proportion of plants with almost 50% of new leaves in the burnt areas. Area P showed the highest abundance (n=321), caterpillar richness (n=36) and frequency of plants with larvae (22.4%). The abundance in QI was 33% of Area P and richness 67%, while in QII abundance was 38% of area P and richness 40%. The dominant species were different in each area: Cerconota achatina (Elachistidae) in area P, Concana mundissima (Noctuidae) in area QI and Stenoma salome (Elachistidae) in area QII. The dissimilarity between P and the burnt areas was 63.94%. The results indicated leaf phenology alterations due to fire events and a negative impact on richness and abundance of caterpillars.


abundância richness riqueza fire effects caterpillars community cerrado efeito do fogo brazilian savanna comunidade de lagartas ciencias biologicas abundance

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