Fluxo de fÃsforo em ovinos alimentados com diferentes nÃveis deste mineral / Phosphorus Kinetic in lambs fed with different leves of this mineral




The objective of the present work was to evaluate the P kinetics and nutritional status in lambs fed with different levels of P in the diet, by the determination of inorganic P in saliva, blood plasma, rumen content, feces and urine. Eighteen Santa Ines lambs with average age of five months and 27.18Â1,56 kg average weight were used in a split plot arrangement, divided in two groups of nine animals in a period of 35 days each, in a randomized block design. The animals were kept individually in metabolic cages, receiving a basal diet and different P levels. Six animals per treatment were used. The treatments were constituted by the inclusion of different amounts of dicalcium phosphate to a basal diet, as follow (T1) 25 % less P in relation to the recommended by the NRC (1985) (1.9 g/day), (T2) the amount recommended for the cited NRC (2.6 g/day) and (T3) 25 % more than the recommended level (3.3 g/day). The diets were composed of coast-cross hay, corn, citric pulp, soy bean meal, mineral mixture, urea and vitamin D. After the adaptation period, samples of blood, saliva, rumen content, feces and urine were collected for the inorganic P determination. The collections period followed for three weeks. Positive correlations between the P intake and the samples were: blood plasma (r = 0.64), saliva (r = 0.86), rumen content (r = 0.82), feces (r = 0.92) and urine (r = 0.37), (P<0.01), respectively. The lower phosphorus intake was enough to maintain the phosphorus status of the animals and can indicate that the P level recommended by the NRC (1985), may be reduced.


zootecnia ruminantes ovino â santa inÃs animal nutrition nutriÃÃo animal ruminants fluxo de fÃsforo sheep â santa inÃs phophorus kinetics

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