Feminine routes: potentials in the world. / "Travessias do feminino: Potencialidades no mundo"




We are experiencing a period of transformation, never experienced before, which is leading us to the contemporary way men and women relate in the public sphere. This does not mean that the differences in the insertions and in the form of insertions have been eliminated to men and women in the public world. It means however, that relationships among them are changing, both in the public and in the private world. In a social, political and economical contemporary scene, the disposability of men, the emptiness of the public space, the creation and manipulation of images, are the focus of Hannah Arendt’s reflections (2000, 1991, 1981) in her critique of the representative democracy. The symbolic violence of Pierre Bourdieu (2003) is also included. Following these reflections of the human being and the contemporary world, there is a question of how the numerous experiences of the common women, their thoughts, practices and choices are embedded. The women participating in this research are in a special circumstance: they are exposed to vicissitudes regarding their own personal stories, and positioned in the interstice of both conservative and progressive historical influences. Hence, in the intersections between the historical constructions underlying the feminine conduct, contemporary transformations affecting these conditions, and specially, the way that each woman embraces her personal story, this study examines the possibilities of subverting a homogeneous femininity, and the potentialities of becoming a political being. In their interviews one can see the ways in which each woman builds her own personal route and negotiates, socio-cultural propositions, choosing and modeling her own singularity to confront everyday life questions. These objective and subjective endeavors would potentially transform the logic of power which destroys human beings whenever differences and singularities are not tolerated, as well as when acting is replaced by a common behavior. The understanding of these alternatives which can potentially subvert the conditionals that human beings submit to other human beings, is based on Hannah Arendt ideas of freedom, plurality, birth, thinking, miracle and action.


relações de gênero gender relationship feminilidade condição social femininity sujeito político social condition

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