Fatores Institucionais Associados à EficÃcia Educacional dos Cursos de GraduaÃÃo da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC): a opiniÃo dos coordenadores. / Institucional factors Associates to the Educational Effectiveness of the Courses of graduation of the Federal University of Cearà (UFC): the opinion of the coordendores


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study pertains to the Educational Evaluation research branch from Brazilian Education Master Program, from Education Faculty (FACED), from the Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), and it rises from the purpose of Brazilian Education evaluation for Higher Education, carried out by Sistema Nacional de Avaliacao da Educacao Superior â the Brazilian National System for Higher Education Evaluation (SINAES). Institutional Evaluation that SINAES purposes, following the no. 10,861 law, from April 14th of 2004, is constituted of four evaluational instruments: self-evaluation, external evaluation, evaluation of teaching conditions, and the National Examination of Students Performance (ENADE). In this setting, this research subject is placed at the fourth evaluation instrument, ENADE. For doing that, a shortcut was done within UFC Graduation courses, concentrating the perspective on the ones which were evaluated in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Therefore, this study aims at verifying ENADE effects on the Higher Education Institution, searching to identify factors associated to educational effectiveness. In order to reach such goal, the adopted methodology can be classified as an exploratory research. To collect data, the structured survey was the instrument, and it was applied to coordinators of courses evaluated by ENADE. With the results, we intend to contribute to ameliorate the global performance of UFC`s graduation courses


educacao avaliaÃÃo institucional ensino superior enade institutional evaluation higher education enade avaliaÃÃo da eficÃcia da educaÃÃo avaliaÃÃo das instituiÃÃes de ensino avaliaÃÃo do desempenho institucional eficÃcia da educaÃÃo exame nacional de desempenho dos estudantes desempenho discente fatores de qualidade fatores de rendimento escolar avaliaÃÃo da universidade desempenho da universidade universidade federal do cearà â avaliaÃÃo â 2004-2006 exame nacional de desempenho dos estudantes â 2004-2006

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