Fatores incidentes no uso de tecnologias capazes de reduzir as emissões de ônibus e caminhões no Brasil




Buses and trucks are vehicles that emit large quantities of pollutants that are harmful to humans and the environment. Despite all the environmental movement and the emergence of technologies capable of reducing emissions of these vehicles, like filters, fuels and engines, changes are still poorly understood. Identifying the factors that relate to the use of cleaner technologies for buses and trucks in Brazil was the problem of this research. A historical research training in the sector of road transport and public policy related was carried out to identify the origins of the problem, in addition to the lifting of the technologies available for use. From these activities were carried out interviews with experts, which helped to identify the factors that affect the use of cleaner technologies, from their point of view. Before concluding that it was possible to identify factors in addition to those presented by the experts available in the literature, there are other issues associated with the problem: the motivating factors. The study identified four factors: market, risk of collapse, environment and health. The conclusion reached is that only remove the barriers is not enough. To that technology is inserted, one or more motivating factors need to be stimulated. In this sense, state and society are central to start the process of transformation, with a public policy and the other with awareness.


road transport technology transporte rodoviário outros air pollutants tecnologias poluentes atmosféricos

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