Fatores críticos de sucesso e insucesso de consórcios de exportação




The main objective of this paper is to identify the factors that determine the efficiency or inefficiency of .beach fashion. export consortia in international markets. We make reference to the Ceará Vest Export consortium in Fortaleza, Ceará and the Flor Brasil consortium in Brasília, DF. The results demonstrate that the PMEs which form a network of Brasiliense consortia produce economic values superior to the PMEs of Ceará consortia, in spite of their distance from the Brazilian coast. The success of the Flor Brasil consortia is due to the competitive advantages derived from .marshalling external economies. and joint actions of businesses, while the lack of success of Ceará PMEs is due principally to the absence of inter-firm collaboration. It is concluded then, that a consortium is like a large corporation made up of small and medium sized businesses, which when interrelated acquire collective efficiency, becoming much faster, dynamic and competitive, independent of their geographic location. They can be viable forms by which PMEs maintain a presence in external markets, through a larger volume of offers and differentiation of products. Thus, it is necessary that those involved in consortia develop strong relationship of inter-firm cooperation, .mutual learning. and .collective innovation..


administracao de empresas administraÇÃo de empresas - dissertaÇÕes

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