Fatores associados a quedas em mulheres idosas residentes na comunidade




Objective: verify what are the factors related to the fall of a group of independent and autonomous elderly women. Materials and methods: a descriptive study was conducted with 83 elderly women that participate in the Universidade Católica de Brasília Elderly Health Promotion Project. The patients responded to questions related to their age, social demographic factors, dizziness, use of continuous medication, health and vision auto perception and were submitted to the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale, to the Functional Reach Test, and to the Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment.Results: there was no statistical relation identified between age, social demographic factors, dizziness, and negative health and vision auto perception with fall phenomena. Although there is a significant statistical relation to the Functional Reach Test and to the Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment. Conclusion: body balance condition of the elderly women was the major factor related to fall occurrences. Functional Reach Test and the Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment were considered efficient in the risk of falling prediction, pointing that they can be used in assessment and identification of an improvement in body balance after training.


fatores de risco acidentes por quedas idosos mulheres ciências da saúde elderly accidental falls women risk factors

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