Extensão resistida do joelho : influencia da posição do quadril e dos planos sagital e diagonal, na atividade eletromiografica




The aim of trus work was to study, using electromyography, the muscles: rectus femuris, vastus medialis, and right vastus lateralis. The studies were performed during the extension movement of the knee, in the Sagittal, Diagonal I (abduction with medial rotation of the hip, with knee extension up to 180°, dorsal flexion and eversion of the ankle and extension and abduction of the toes) and Diagonal II (adduction with lateral rotation of the hip, knee extension up to 180°, dorsal flexion and inversion of the ankle, extension and abduction of the toes) planes, in the seated and dorsal decubito positions, during the initial (50+) and final (50-) 50% ofthe movement amplitude, facing mechanical resistance of 100% of the maximum load. T en young male volunteers, ages between 17 and 21 years, no stationaries, with no history of neuromuscular or articular alterations, and similar anthropometry were studied. The records were obtained using a Lynx biological signal acquisition module with 4 channels and a specific software (AQDADOS-Lynx). The electromyographic signals were received by surface electrodes - DANTEC. The signals were analyzed through the AQDADOS program, and the effective value was obtained. The normalization of the electromyographic activity in each muscle was achieved by maximum volunteer isometric contraction (M.V.IC.). The data related to the angulation of the knee movement were obtained through cinematography, usíng an equipment calied Simple Pulley System as mechanical resistance. The data were analyzed using non parametric statístícs and the Wilcoxon and Friedman tests. The results showed that, in ali situatíons analyzed, the rectus femuris muscle presented the highest electromyographic actívity, comparing the three muscles studíed; regarding to the movement amplitude, the muscles were more active at the end of the knee extension movement, independent1y of the plane and hip posítions; in the Díagonal I plane, the vastus medialis muscle showed the highest activity in the seated position, compared to the dorsal decubíto. Electromyographic activity of the musc1es were similar in the Sagittal, Diagonal I and Diagonal II planes


quadril - musculos cinesiologia eletromiografia

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