Atividade eletromiografica do musculo vasto medial obliquo em exercicios isometricos e isotonicos das articulações do quadril e do joelho




The purpose of this study was to analyse electromyographicaly the activity of the vastus medialis oblique during exercises which are usually advice in physical therapy, mainly to those with patellofemoral dysfunction. Using an 8 channels Nicolet electromyograph and Beckman surface mini electrodes, the electrical activity was recorded during exercises as follows: maximal isometric contraction of the joint extension at sitting position at 15° and 50° at fIexion, with hip joint position at neutral and 15° of adduction; free isotonic and maximal isometric contraction of hip adduction with knee extension at sitting and decubitus lateralis positions; step on and step down exercises. Fifteen volunteers without prior knee pathology were employed at this study. The data were statistically calculated employing analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test. The results showed that there was no significant difference among exercises carried out with maximal isometric contractions of the knee joint extension at 15° or 50°, as well at 15° of knee fIexion followed by 15° of the hip adduction joint. Concerning the adduction exercises the electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis oblique muscle, was significant higher in both exercises of maximal contraction when compared with free isotonic at decubitus lateralis. On the other hand, there was no significant difference of the electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis oblique muscle between the two exercises of maximal isometric contractions. It was observed a more significant difference of electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis obliquos muscle in the exercise of step in the step down. The results suggest that in the knee trauma and knee pathology, mainly at prior stages of patellofemoral joint dysfunction, the exercise of knee joint extension can be performed, in order to recover the total function of the vastus medialis obliquos muscle, isometricaly with the knee joint inflected at 15° once at this angle, this muscle would have a major participation. The 148usually advised at the final stage of the treatment, would recover the vastus medialis oblique muscle function, specially in step on, where the work is concentric results observed, allows to suggest that at prior stages of treatment of patellofemoral dysfunction, the exercise of knee joint could be performed isometric or isotonicaly, at sitting and decubitus lateralis position, depending on the biological conditions of each patient. Besides, the data show that exercises of step on and step down, usually advised at the final stage of the treatment, would recover the vastus medialis oblique muscle function, specially in step on, where the work is concentric


anatomia musculos eletromiografia articulações

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