Exportações de artesanato do Ceará no período de 2004 a 2006 : desafios e oportunidades




The main goal of the present work is to identify the difficulties faced by Cearas craftsmen in their challenge of exportations their products. In such way, it was made a bibliographic research about local development, competitive advantage and consortium of exportation that worked on as a base for the empirical research. The methodology contemplated field research, involving a questionnaire with 30 questions, answered by 210 craftsmen from the State of Ceará, who dealed or deals with exportation. The analysis of the results aimed to identify general profile of these craftsmen, as the frequency of external sells, the form of negotiation, their knowledge in this process and the main difficulties with respective solutions pointed out by themselves. Although, the results often show that the handcraft of the State of Ceará attracts the international purchasers and feeds the international business, but our craftsmen are not well prepared to insert themselves in a competitive way in this modality of negotiation, and they still depend on governmental corps programs for supporting the structural base of their production, concerning on organizational and technological aspects.


exportaÇÃo - cearÁ - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas artesanato - cearÁ - dissertaÇÕes desenvolvimento econÔmico - cearÁ - dissertaÇÕes

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