Exploração lúdica e afetividade em crianças de creche / Ludic exploration and affectivity on daycare




This research has a purpose to investigate the Ludic Exploration and Affectivity on 0 - 2 years children, attended on daycare nursery. For this, was used the Jean Piaget conceptions that enabled to understand as the Ludic Exploration - discussion of concepts of Repetition, Functional Pleasure, Practice Game and Tertiary Circular Reaction, as the affective development - through the concepts of Perceptive Affectivity and Intentional Affectivity. This was a Case Study developed through of Piaget Clinic Method and Microgenectic. There were been done 10 movie observations with 44 children, attended at two Community Daycare Nursery contracted by Belo Horizonte City Hall, from the introduction of a Toy kit. From this process resulted 5 movies about the affective behavior of the children: the first was done with focus on child behavior without Toy Kit. The second movie shows child behavior with the introduction of Toy Kit. The third, fourth and fifth movie focus the trajectory of tree children with different ages. The five movies enable to perceive the children behavior with and without Toy Kits, their relationship with each other, the relation with the toys and with the teachers - beyond the comparison between Ludic Exploration and no Exploration. The research confirms the hypothesis that Toy Kit introduction promotes the Ludic Exploration and this is a fundamental resource of development and manifestation of children affectivity. Through the Interest concept of Piaget and Clàparrede and the relationship with Drive Freud Concept we can perceive better evaluation the importance of Ludic Exploration to allow children to make contact with the world, develop the affectivity and built structure as a person


afeição affection bebês construtivism construtivismo desenvolvimento humano human development desenvolvimento infantil infants jean piaget (1896-1980) jean piaget (1896-1980) jogos

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