"Experiências de pais de crianças e adolescentes, após o término do tratamento de câncer: subsídios para o cuidado de enfermagem" / "Experiences of children and adolescents’ parents after the end of cancer treatment: support for nursing care"




Advances in therapeutics, early diagnoses and cooperative studies have increased the survival of children and adolescents with cancer. The American Oncology Nursing Society has set research on the late effects of treatment and survivors’ quality of life as a priority for 2005-2009. In an attempt to contribute to this discussion, this study aims to understand how parents and other family members of children and adolescents with cancer perceive and undergo the experience of ending treatment. We carried out a descriptive and exploratory study and adopted a qualitative methodological approach. Ten families were selected whose children completed cancer treatment and who agreed to participate in the study. Interviews at home, observation and patient files were used for data collection. Data were organized around three themes: the memory ─ what was experienced; the present ─ what is being experienced and the future ─ what will be. Describing the experiences of parents and other relatives of these children and adolescents at the end of cancer treatment allowed us to evidence the participants’ vitality in surviving treatment and the fragility of life after treatment ends. The study showed that parents and relatives started to recover the moment that diagnosis and treatment had interrupted and moved to restructure their lives, although cautiously. They projected a future for their lives with optimism, but permeated by fear and uncertainty. These study results allowed us to identify aspects in the families’ daily reality that need intervention, with a view to improving the quality of life of children, adolescents and the family itself when treatment ends.


survivors enfermagem pediátrica câncer criança família family pediatric nursing sobreviventes cancer adolescente adolescent child

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