A reinserção escolar de crianças e adolescentes com câncer após o término do tratamento: subsídios para o cuidado de enfermagem / The reinsertion of children and adolescents with cancer into mainstream education after the end of treatment: support for nursing care


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Children and adolescents affected by cancer face exhausting situations. Besides the biological impact of the disease, other dimensions are influenced, including education. Despite so many challenges, children and adolescents with cancer continue growing and developing. Health professionals have looked at the (re)insertion process into mainstream education as cancer therapeutics often impose these clients\ distancing from school. This study aims to understand, from the children and adolescents\ perspective, their school (re)insertion after the end of cancer treatment. With an exploratory design and qualitative data analysis, the research involved ten children and adolescents, between seven and 18 years of age, who had finished cancer treatment. Considering the involvement of human beings, approval was obtained from an Institutional Review Board. Semistructured interviews were used as the main data collection technique, in addition to data from the participants\ files. The analysis of testimonies followed the thematic inductive content analysis technique, in six phases: getting familiar with the data; systematic coding; code grouping; review of themes; definition of themes and final analysis. The results were grouped in two main themes and their respective subthemes: memories of the diagnosis and expectations for returning to school, which pictures the first steps towards school (re)insertion. The children and adolescents remember the cancer treatment trajectory, from the diagnosis until the end, and join efforts to face their expectations for the return to school routine. The second theme addresses the school (re)insertion experiences: from challenges to adaptation. Children and adolescents face aspects that negatively contribute to the return to school, school as the lack of school structure and lack of information about the disease. Despite the challenges, they are capable of finding internal and external resources to help them return to school activities and learn to live with the limitations treatment imposes, continuing on their academic journey. The results help nurses and other health professionals to understand children and adolescents\ care needs in the school (re)insertion process after the end of treatment, as well as the way they respond to new demands, based on the interactions established in school, with a view to qualified care planning.


adolescent adolescente child criança enfermagem pediátrica escolas neoplasias neoplasms pediatric nursing schools

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