Existência e homogeneização para um problema elíptico com fronteira livre não estacionária / Existence and homogenization for an elliptic problem with nonstationary free boundary


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this dissertation we study an elliptic problem in a bounded Lipschitz domain. Part of the boundary is moving and oscillates rapidly in the variable representing the space. Thus, we have a multi-scale free boundary problem. This problem has applications, for instance, in the construction of semiconductor films taking into account that the surface of the film is changing by chemical vapor deposition. The study of such a model leads us to questions of existence and uniqueness for a system involving an elliptic equation with mixed boundary conditions coupled to a hyperbolic equation by means of a free boundary condition. Furthermore, a result on approximation by homogenization is shown. In fact, an estimate in terms of the H1-norm of the error committed by to approximate the real free boundary problem by the homogenized one is proved.


equações diferenciais elipticas problemas de fronteira livre homogeneização (equações diferenciais) free boundary problems homogenization (differential equations) existence theorems teoremas de existência elliptic differential equations

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