Exclusão vestida de inclusão? : a percepção desta dialética para educadores




After a long of readings and making observations at a public school from Florianópolis about the process of exclusion, was possible to note that what children and teenagers don t learn has more pedagogic force when the school assembly decides who pass or no. The students have individual and social differences that disqualify them, and these differences are inequality treated in school. Because of this, was necessary to realize a survey about historical, social, psychological and philosophical conceptions about apprenticeship to understand their relations with the conceptions about apprenticeship and for consequence no apprenticeship in our days. Then, the metodologic way was delineated The Phenomenology , six interviews were realized with this phenomenology mark to understand what s the perception of educators who are envolved in the fomentation of actions and politics about inclusion in Public School de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, to make possible to Know their perception about this subject inclusion/exclusion. So, the subject of this investigation is the INCLUSIVE EDUCATION and the guided question is: What s the perception about inclusion/exclusion for educators who are envolved in some kind of process known as inclusive in the education process and in the educational system? . The data noted for the searcher where analyzed by six steps proposed for Giorgi e Comiotto that determined three essences and the dimensions that are the human express of the worlds lived for the interviewed. The are: I-The contradiction that alienate: when the exclude return at the same world that had excluded. II- Some marks left for exclusion. III- The meeting with freedom: the process of humanization like project of world. The investigation indicates subsidies to make possible resignify pedagogic instrument is a diversity between the persons envolved in this education process. A instrument of real valorization of differences to make possible the process of teaching and apprenticeship at school


diferença educação inclusiva fenomenologia phenomenology educacao exclusão inclusive education differences educação inclusiva inequality aprendizagem apprenticeship exclusion desigualdade inclusion

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