Evolução da prevalencia de laqueadura tubaria : associação com variaveis demograficas e sociais das mulheres e de seus companheiros




The aims of this study were to evaluate the evolution of the prevalence of tubal ligation in São Paulo State, and the possible association between prevalence and socio-demographic characteristics of the women and their partners. A secondary analysis of data obtained by two studies carried out to evaluate the program for Integral Assistance to Women s Health (PAISM) in São Paulo State had ben done in 1988 and 1991. The studies included 992 and 1,294 sterilized women, 15-49 years of age. The statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to create a new data base and for statistical analysis. Chi square, Fisher and trend tests were used, as well as logistic regression. The univariate analysis showed a higher prevalence of tubal ligation among older women and those with a larger number of gestations, among those with fewer years of schooling or whose partners had less schooling, and among women living in houses qualified as good. After controlling by age and number of gestations, only less schooling of the partners and ever having been married maintained their association with prevalence of tubal ligation in 1988, while only age and number of gestations were associated to tubal ligation in 1991. prevalence of tubal ligation was significantly higher in 1991 only among women over 34 years of age and having 5 through 8 years of schooling. Sterilized women presented a signif icantly lower prevalence of vaginal discharge than those who had not had a tubal ligation. No differences were found when comparing the incidence of menstrual irregularities, pain during intercourse or during menstruation, nor of other gynecological problems. It is concluded that there was no clear association between socio-economic leveI and prevaIence of tubal ligation, that there were not great changes in prevalence between 1988 and 1991, and that tubal ligation does not seem to be associated with any increase in gynecological complaints


esterilização tubaria demografia planejamento familiar

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