Evolução da mortalidade infantil, segundo óbitos evitáveis: macrorregiões de saúde do Estado de Santa Catarina, 1997-2008 / Describing infant mortality rate according to death avoidance: Santa Catarina, 1997 2008




INTRODUCTION: The pursuit for understanding the causes of human mortality is related straight to the knowledge of a living society conditions. The reduction of child mortality is the major goal of children health policies in all countries. In Brazil, despite of the infant mortality reduction observed in recent years, there are, however, huge differences of Infant mortality rate between populations. OBJECTIVE:In order to study the infant mortality evolution in the Santa Catarina State and the downward trend of avoidable child deaths in nine Health Macro-regions in the State, in each triennium from 1997 to 2008. METHODS: An ecological time series studies with calculation and analysis of Infant mortality rate second components of the infant mortality, in the nine Santa Catarina Macro-regions (Brazil) for avoidability deaths in a period between 1997 and 2008, the triennial averages of avoidable deaths, by regions in the same period, were analyzed by simple linear regression. RESULTS: Was analyzed 15,146 deaths in the first year of life between1997- 2008, the data showed that 51per cent of the total occurred from 0 to 6 of life days, 13.8per cent between 7 and 27 days and 35.8per cent of 28 to 364 days of life, the state of Santa Catarina showed a decline of CMI (27.2per cent), mainly due to a postneonatal fees period, showing, however alarming rates of infant mortality from preventable deaths (58.6per cent) and important differences among SC regions of the CMI. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the decline of CMI, the state of Santa Catarina showed stabilization of the neonatal ID and high rate of avoidable deaths, with significant differences in their rates among regions, in the study period. This reality leads to the urgent need for sequential studies that will elucidate these facts, so that interventions set to a studied of a specific populations may happen, reducing child deaths in the territory of Santa Catarina


avoidable death coeficiente de mortalidade infantil (cmi) infant mortality infant mortality rate (cmi) mortalidade infantil Óbitos evitáveis

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