Condicionantes da mortalidade infantil segundo raça/cor no estado de São Paulo, 1997-1998




The purpose of this thesis is to study infant mortality in the State of São Paulo from a standpoint that adds the ethnic/racial dimension to the socioeconomic one, generally used in studies on health differentials. The study, based on 1991 Demographic Census data, explored and discussed the potentialities of vital statistics data for this purpose. From a theoretical standpoint that associates conditions of life with the process of health-disease-death, the study observes racial differentials in terms of children and their respective mothers characteristics, which are available in the declarations of birth and death. The study also relates the possible associations between the death of children under one year of age and a group of explicative variables, with special emphasis on race/skin color, aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of child death


mortalidade infantil relações raciais

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