Evaluation of the treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone in males and females Wistar rats during experimental Chagasdisease. / Avaliação do tratamento com dehidroepiandrosterona em ratos Wistarmachos e fêmeas durante a infecção chagásica experimental




Dehidroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has been considered for many researchers as the steroid of multiple functions. The immunologic stimulation triggered by DHEA has been demonstrated not only in animal models but also in humans. DHEA has been used as an alternative therapy to up-modulate immune response in host bearing viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. The present work evaluate the therapeutic effects of DHEA administration in male and female Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of T. cruzi during the acute phase of infection. The evaluated parameters were the blood and tecidual parasitic intensity, cytokines and cellular population, glucose analysis, cholesterol and triglycerides, percentage of lytic antibodies, nitric oxide, global counting of leukocytes and macrophages. DHEA, when used as a treatment of experimental T. cruzi infection is efficient; reducing the number of blood and tissue parasites of both genders. The therapy with DHEA demonstrated cellular and humoral immune stimulation for the control of the evolution of the acute phase. It has to be emphasized that DHEA therapy is not curative, but improves to the host immunological response to control the parasitic burden, without the harmful collateral effects caused by the available T. cruzi drugs in the market.


dehidroepiandrosterona trypanosoma cruzi resposta immune dehydroepiandrosterone trypanosoma cruzi immune response

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