Evaluation of residual monomer, water sorption and porosity by acrylic resins used to eye prostheses / Avaliação da liberação de monômero residual, absorção de água e porosidade superficial em resinas acrílicas para prótese ocular




This comparative evaluation of porosity, water sorption and residual monomer presented by acrylic resins was conducted, looking for excellence and rapidity in the confection of eye prostheses. Four groups, comprising of 15 specimens each, were established and submitted to polymerization cycles: Group 1 - conventional heat polymerizing acrylic resin / conventional heat-polymerization cycle; Group 2 - microwave acrylic resin / microwave cycle; Group 3 - conventional heat polymerizing acrylic resin / microwave cycle; Group 4 - cross-linked auto-polymerizing acrylic resin / auto-polymerizing process. Residual monomer liberation was determined by spectrophotometry during 11 days period. Water sorption was calculated by weighting dried specimens and weighting after 7 days of submersion in deionized water. Superficial porosity was determined by percentage of area, in images processed by the software ImageLab 2000®. Subjecting data to ANOVA/TUKEY test (p<=0,05) it was observed that residual monomer liberation was higher in the first day for Group 1, similar during all the period for Group 2, lower after day 8 for Group 3 and decreasing until day 8 for Group 4. Residual monomer liberation was similar to Groups 1 and 3, lower for Group 2 and higher for Group 4. Water sorption was similar to all groups. Group 2 displayed more superficial porosity, and Group 1 and 3 were similar regarding this test. In conclusion, conventional polymerization and microwave processes did not interfere in residual monomer liberation of conventional acrylic resin. The residual monomer liberation varied according the type of acrylic resin. Microwave cycle provided similar or smaller residual monomer liberation. The type of acrylic resin and the polymerization cycle utilized did not modify water sorption. The conventional heat polymerizing cycle and microwave cycle did not interfere in superficial porosity of conventional heat polymerizing acrylic resin. The superficial porosity varied according to the acrylic resin.


porosity absorção de água porosidade monômero residual eye prosthesis resina acrílica acrylic resin water sorption prótese ocular residual monomer

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