Evaluation of polymorphism in the genes CYP1A1, CYP2D6 and CYP19 in patients with cancer of sporadic breast / Avaliação de polimorfismos nos genes CYP1A1, CYP2D6 e CYP19 em uma amostra de pacientes com cancer de mama esporadico




Breast cancer (BC) is a complex disease, with heterogeneous clinical and morphologic presentation, that has with different degrees of tumoral aggressiveness and metastatic potential. It is known that 90% to 95% of all the BC are sporadical and happens because of somatic mutations that occurs during life and that 5% to 10% are hereditary because of germinate mutation due to births, which makes these individuals susceptibly to the BC. Among the best known polymorphism of metabolism of drugs, are the system cytochrome P450. The genes CYP1A1, CYP2D6 and CYP19 are being studied and in some populations because they had shown a positive association with the biggest susceptibility to the BC. This work had as objective to investigate the presence of polymorphisms T6235C (m1) and A4889G (m2) in gene CYP1A1, polymorphisms A2637del (*3) and G1934A (*4) in gene CYP2D6 and the presence of alterations [TTTAn] in gene CYP19, through a study of association with a sample of 170 individuals: 45 carrying patients of adenocarcinoma and 120 normal controls. The techniques had been used extraction of DNA, PCR and enzymatic digestion. It was not demonstrated, in this study the association between the polymorphisms studied and sporadic BC (?2(2) = 1,12; p= 0,57) for the polymorphism m1, (?2(2) = 0,83; p= 0,65) for the polymorphism m2 of gene CYP1A1; (?2(2) = 0,15; p= 0,69) for polymorphism *3, (?2(2) = 2,41; p= 0,30) for polymorphism *4 of gene CYP2D6 and for gene CYP19. The results suggest that the genic polymorphisms studied would not be associated with the BC in the sample of individuals in the metropolitan area of Campinas. key words: CYP1A1, CYP2D6, CYP19, sporadic breast cancer.


mamas - câncer breast cytochrome p-450 enzyme system citocromo p-450

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