Evaluation of in-situ bearing capacity of soils in road buildngs through the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer : experimental study / Avaliação da capacidade de suporte de solos "in situ" em obras viarias atraves do Cone de Penetração Dinamica : estudo experimental




This research establishes a correlation among the strength or supporting values of the tests: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) versus DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer), accomplished with the soil originating from no-paved roads inside of the Campus of UNICAMP. The Cone of Dynamic Penetration (DCP) it is characterized as an equipment simple, portable and of low cost, whose tests reveals to be practically no-destructive. DCP test determines the profile of resistance of soil layers compacted or in your natural state, to control the execution of road buildings and to evaluate structures of pavements. An investigation of the soil through DCP and CBR tests led to the development of regression models, correlating the strength measures obtained through in-situ tests with the aid of DCP and laboratory tests using the CBR and DCP. Through the information contained in the technical literature, of the made experimental procedures and of the regression analyses accomplished, the relationship was evidenced between DCP and CBR, validating the established correlations and proposing own models, increasing the reliability of the results of the DCP tests for determining strength values of soils


road engineering dcp mecanica do solo engenharia rodoviaria tropical soil strenght penetrometro rodovias - construção sistema viario pesquisa rodoviaria penetrometer road research laterite soil mechanics pavimentos system roadway cbr laterita roads pavements road construction solos tropicais subgrade rodovias

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