Evaluation of hydronamics properties of soil for aquifer recharge estimative / AvaliaÃÃo das propriedades hidrodinÃmicas do solo para a estimativa da recarga do aquÃfero




The increase of the water demand associated with the population growth has awaked to the conscience of the population with respect to the importance of the handling of this limited natural resources. Moreover, also it has been observed that the groundwater reservoirs and the surface water sources are connected ones to the others, and that the use of one can affect the other. Most of the water-bearing formations is fed direct or indirectly by the pluvial water infiltration and has been observed that the success of the estimative of the recharge of the water-bearing one depends, in first place, of the identification of the probable mechanisms of flow and the hydrodynamic characteristics of the ground that influence the recharge in one given locality. In the study of the movement of the water, it is of basic importance to know the hydrodynamic properties, such as arched of retention, h(θ), and the curve of hydraulic conductivity, K(θ), that condition the water movement for the ground. These parameters can be gotten from field experiments and laboratory. The present work had as objective to carry through the characterization hydrodynamics through laboratory and field experiments as subsidy for the evaluation of the recharge of the water-bearing one in a given region. A profile of soil was monitored for the attainment of the humidity profiles at depths 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 cm. Also the rain precipitation and the water table had been monitored and infiltration tests had been carried out. In the laboratory the retention curves for each depth had been gotten, which had been adjusted by the equation of van Genuchten. The curves of K(θ) had been gotten from the equation of Brooks &Corey. The soil has a heterogeneous grain size distribution, raging from argillaceous loam to sand through the profile. The layer 100-120 cm presented low values of saturated hydraulic conductivity and high retention capacity, indicating a probable layer of impediment. From the monitoring of water table, humidity profiles and hydrodynamic characteristics, it can be concluded that the changes in water table were not exclusively a consequence of the vertical flow of water through the profile. The changes observed are a consequence of the presence of preferential paths in the soil profile or other contributions, such as water flow between the piezometer and the soil


engenharia nuclear drenagem soil physics fÃsica do solo hidrodinÃmica soil solos hydrodynamics drainage

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